Starting a business with a partner offers many benefits, not the least of which is having someone to share
the many responsibilities of running a business. Advantages include : Shared business risks and expenses, Mutual support and motivation, Complementary skills and additional contacts
This webpage is for professionals who are interested to join ADRPartners (council for e-Court).
ADRPartners is currently exploring contacts with forward looking, socially and Internet savvy law communities in Australia, the UK, USA, Canada and India to create a new commercial internet "arbitration" niche. We are interested in mutually attractive business arrangements with firms like yours. We designed two separate entities, i.e. ADRPartners for council and e-Court for the client. Legal Services International Inc., a Canada Incorporated company and Legal Services LLC, a Delaware US company are the
"administrative" Internet shells for civil and other disputes between businesses and/or individuals through the real Internet arbitration court.
Consider teaming up with us and to profile you and/or your firm as Internet savvy and socially involved. We would be pleased to provide additional information. Just contact ADRPartners in Canada
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Thanks to the intuitive and easy-to-use interface, customers get immediate access on their mobile phone to all the key information about your business and are able to contact you with just one click or touch.
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e-Court and ADRPartners

Cyberjustice: Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) for E-Commerce
source : Lucile M. Ponte & Thomas D. Cavenagh

E-businesses and their customers are looking for dispute resolution options that reflect the speed and convenience of the Web. E-commerce professionals are turning to online dispute resolution (ODRJ to manage their online conflicts fairly, efficiently, and effectively. CyberJustice provides an interesting and informative overview of this rapidly-emerging field, suitable for use by business students, e-commerce managers and entrepreneurs, and dispute resolution professionals.
"This book is an exciting addition to the literature on both ADR and the whole world of the Internet. The authors have put together a comprehensive study of a topic that is largely unknown and uncovered even in the advanced ADR and negotiation courses." — Lucy Katz, Fairfield University .
"The authors have an easy to read and easy to follow style. It is clear that the authors understand dispute resolution generally, because they explain it so well. Particularly good are the discussions of the advantages and disadvantages found in several chapters." — Judith Stilz Ogden, Partner, National Legal Information Services
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Endorsements ( 1/2000 + ):
- Patricia M. Swerhone
Waters and Associates, Barristers & Solicitors, Toronto - Kenneth J. Byrne
Immigration and Real Estate Lawyer at Benson Buffett, Newfoundland And Labrador - Justice Clark
Partner at Simmons Da Silva + Sinton LLP, Toronto - Stanley Potter
Owner, Stanley J. Potter, Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto - Abrams &
Toronto, Ontario, Law Practice - Ennis Milne - Barristers & Solicitors
Toronto, Ontario, Law Practice - Jennifer Chapman
Partner at Brown Beattie O'Donovan LLP - Aitken Robertson
Owner/Lawyer at Aitken Robertson - ( Endorsements continued.....)